When asked "When did church start to feel like you belonged?" people will tell you, "when I jumped in and started serving!" The Bible teaches that the church is the body of Christ and each member has a purpose. There are many different areas where you can help. You are sure to find one where you will thrive!

Serve at Berean

There are so many ways to serve at Berean, from Greeter Team to Berean Kids each Sunday, to Awana and Doxa on Wednesday nights, to special events like VBS and Chilly Fest throughout the year. Contact us – we would love to help you find your place to serve.

Serve our Community

At Berean we are constantly looking for ways to help right here in our community and the surrounding area. From Good News Club at Trip Elementary to our local Co-op, there are a number of ways that you can jump in and help! Learn more about the organizations we partner with locally and join us in serving our community!

Serve Globally

At Berean we believe that God said to take the gospel to all the world.  We partner with several foreign missionaries and missions organizations that are doing just that—spreading the gospel in foreign soil. Want to learn more about our global partners? Are you interested in going on a mission trip? Let us know.