Vacation Bible School is June 17 – 21 from 9am – 12:00pm!
At this time, registration has reached capacity and is now closed. There will be no walk-up registration. Sign up to be added to the Waitlist.
VBS Leader Training: June 9, 6:00pm in the Lounge
Can’t help during VBS? No problem, can you bring a SPECIAL Snack for our Volunteers?
What we need:
1. Sign up in the Connect Center beginning May 5.
2.Make or purchase a special treat (Water bottles, granola bars, chips, cookies & fruit are already provided for teachers) Ideas: Donuts, biscuits, casseroles, sausage balls, pigs-in-a-blanket, etc.
3. Label your snack “VBS Teacher Breakroom”
4. Drop off the snacks in the front lobby at Berean by 9am on your designated day or the day before by 12 noon.
Nonperishables can be dropped off on Sundays prior to VBS week as well! You can also donate cash and we’ll shop for you!